

Responding to topic:

Answer all of these questions to the best of your ability. If your topic is not in the chapter that is being reading that evening do the next topic for that evening. Remember this will help you greatly when it comes to test time (open blog, novel, notes test) so put as much information as possible.

Describe the context in which topic was brought up in.
Who said it/did it?
How was Edna affected by it?
How were others affected by it?
What do you feel this relates to the larger text in whole?
Has this topic changed in from the last chapter?

Responding to questions:
I will ask a question every night about your readings. You then have the option of answering after or before class, but it must be done in the time allotted. Meaning you may not answer a question about readings 1-5 when we are at 20-25. You MUST also respond to another students answer, eventually creating a dialogue between all of us. If you end up missing a 2 days of responses and we have already moved on, you have the option of doing extra credit response to make up for the work missed.

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